onsdag 24 februari 2010

Brave New World.

And so it begins...

Odd. No thunder in the skies, no omnious howls or devastating earthquakes. It's almost as if this new beginning has gone completely unnoticed. But that cannot be, can it? Are we really so insignificant? Well, I suppose so, can't say I'm too unhappy about it either.

No, I think I rather keep my head low, pass by without a waft of pungent fame tracking me, the reward for that is so much greater than anything fame could offer anyway, wouldn't you agree? Freedom, isn't it worth more than being known? I think it is, and I'm sure there are many that agree with me. Keep your head low, and don't stick your nose in any holes, 'cuz you never know what might sting you.

Now then, maybe we should get to the point, or give it an honest try at the very least. Oh. Who am I kidding, we won't get much farther than this today, let's see what else we can drudge up...

Writing. It is hard. Simple, but far from easy, as Mike Stackpole over at Stormwolf.com has said. Or well, something very much like it, at least. My own writing has gone slow as of late, which is one of the reasons this blog came into being, a place to vent, to just jot down whatever comes to mind and then blame the gods of the underworlds for whatever comes out of it.

I am working on a book, Omen of Bones is the working title. I am very proud of that name, it sends a most delicious vibe down my spine that whispers of dark adventures and secrets that shouldn't be told. Of course, it is my job as a storyteller, a writer, to reveal those secrets to make the heroes, or whatever unfortunate git that stumbles onto my path, immortal. Aaah. Now I feel how it all crops up and wants to be let out, but this will have to be enough for now. Until next we meet, have fun. And don't trip over any ostriches.

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